
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2009

1st General Lyceum of Egaleo

The 1st General Lyceum of Egaleo is the first Secondary Education school founded in the city of Egaleo IN 1946 , when the city was just a neighborhoo d of Athens . Afterwards, 5 more General Lyceums were founded and 2 Vocational Lyceums . In the Greek Educational System, pupils after completing the Primary school (6 years) they enter Lower Secondary Education School (Gymnasium) for 3 years . This are the Compulsory Education studies . After that, if they wish, they continue to a 3 year General Lyceum, or to a 3 year Vocational Lyceum, or to a 4 year Technical School. Every pupil of the 1st grade of the General Lyceum has to attend 11 courses + 1 foreign language + 1 selection course (i.e. ,second foreign language, informatic s, drama for our school) At the 2nd and 3rd grade , pupils except some common courses ,have to choose one of the 3 orientations : Classical, Scientific and Technological. The 1st General Lyceum of Egaleo during the 2008-2009 school year has 4 classes in each grad

visit in Wiener Neustadt

Συνάντηση καθηγητών στο Wiener Neustadt της Αυστρίας , στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Comenius C.H.I.E.F. (Celebrating Happiness in European Families) ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΖΟΜΕΝΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ/ Participating Schools Ø Bundesgymnasium Babenbergerring, Wiener Neustadt AUSTRIA Ø Agrupamento de Escolas de Mundão, Mundão – Viseu PORTUGAL Ø Maria Regina College, Boys Junior Lyceum, St Venera St Venera MALTA Ø Gimnazjum Publiczne Im. Oskara Kolberga w Kołbieli POLAND Ø Visaginas”Ziburys” basic school , Visaginas LITHUANIA Ø Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia , El Puerto de Santa Maria ESPAGNA Ø Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga Vialonga PORTUGAL Ø GOVAN HIGH SCHOOL , Drumoyne North Eastern Scotland Ø Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “ Vittorio Veneto” , Latina ITALIA Ø Liceo Classico “G. Carducci”, Cassino ITALIA